Most of my recent papers are freely accessible. I aim to publish open access whenever I can. If the DOI’s do not link to full texts, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Di Rienzo, G., Myin, E., & Van Dijk, L. (2024). Navigating the normativity of behaviour settings: An observational case study. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 379, 1–11.
Smith, M., Van der Zwan, S., Van Dijk, L., Bruineberg, J., & Hummels, C. (2023). Sketching theory: Introducing the pictorial format. Journal of Human-Technology Relations, 1, 1-10.
Bruineberg, J., Withagen, R. & Van Dijk, L. (2023). Productive Pluralism: The Coming of Age of Ecological Psychology. Psychological Review, 1-14. and PsyArXiv
Withagen, R. & Van Dijk, L. (2023). The social constitution of ecological psychology in the Netherlands. In: M. Segundo-Ortin, M. Heras-Escribano and V. Raja (Eds.). Places, Sociality, and Ecological Psychology: Essays in Honor of Harry Heft (pp. 23-36). New York: Routledge.
Myin, E. & Van Dijk, L. (2022). The is and oughts of remembering. Topoi, 1-11.
Van Dijk, L. & Rietveld, E. (2021). Situated talking. Language Sciences, 1-14.
Van Dijk, L. (2021). Psychology in an indeterminate world. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 16(3), 577-589.
Kiverstein, J. & Van Dijk, L. (2021). Language without representation: Gibson’s first- and second-hand perception on a pragmatic continuum. Language Sciences, 1-12.
Van Dijk, L. (2021). Affordances in a multispecies entanglement. Ecological Psychology, 33(2), 73-89.
Van Dijk, L. & Rietveld, E. (2020). Situated imagination. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 1-23.
Van Dijk, L. (2020). Temporalizing ontology: a case for pragmatic emergence. Synthese, 1-14.
Van Dijk, L. & Kiverstein, J. (2020). Direct Perception in Context: Radical empiricist reflections on the medium. Synthese, 1-23.
Van Dijk, L. & Myin, E. (2019). Ecological neuroscience: From reduction to proliferation of our resources. Ecological Psychology, 31(3), 254-268.
Kiverstein, J., Van Dijk, L. & Rietveld, E. (2019). The field and landscape of affordances: Koffka’s two environments revisited. Synthese, 1-18.
Van Dijk, L. & Rietveld, E. (2018). Situated Anticipation. Synthese, 1-23.
Van Dijk, L. & Myin, E. (2018). Reasons for pragmatism: affording epistemic contact in a shared environment. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 1-25.
Van Dijk, L. & Rietveld, E. (2017). Foregrounding sociomaterial practice in our understanding of affordances: The Skilled Intentionality Framework. Frontiers in Psychology: Cognitive Science, 7(1969), 1-12.
Van Dijk, L., van der Sluis, C.K., & Bongers, R.M. (2017). Reductive and emergent views on motor learning in rehabilitation practice. Journal of Motor Behavior, 49(3), 244-254.
Van Dijk, L. (2016). Laying down a path in talking. Philosophical Psychology, 29(7), 993-1003.
Van Dijk, L. & Withagen, R. (2016). Temporalizing agency: moving beyond on- and offline cognition. Theory & Psychology, 26(1), 5-26.
Van Dijk, L., Heerschop, A., van der Sluis, C.K. & Bongers, R.M. (2016). The anatomy of action systems: task differentiation when learning an EMG controlled game. Frontier in Psychology: Movement Science and Sport Psychology, 7(1945), 1-14.
Van Dijk, L., van der Sluis, C.K., van Dijk, H. & Bongers, R.M. (2016). Learning an EMG controlled game: task-specific adaptations and transfer. PLoS ONE, 11(8), e0160817, 1-14.
Van Dijk, L., van der Sluis, C.K., van Dijk, H. & Bongers, R.M. (2016). Task-oriented gaming for transfer to prosthesis use. IEEE: Transaction on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 24(12), 1384-1394.
Van Dijk, L., Withagen, R. & Bongers, R.M. (2015). Information without content: a Gibsonian reply to enactivists worries. Cognition, 134, 210-214.
Van Dijk, L. & Withagen, R. (2014). The horizontal worldview: a Wittgensteinian approach to scientific psychology. Theory & Psychology, 24(1), 3-18.
Van Dijk, L. & Bongers, R.M. (2014). The emergence of an action system: the organization of gaze in creating novel tools. Ecological Psychology, 26(3) 177-197.
Van Dijk, L. & Bongers, R.M. (2013). Knowledge and skill: a case for ontological equality. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7(916), 1-3.