
Here are some of the teaching activities I’ve been involved in over the years.

  • At Wageningen University and Research I teach courses on Ethics as well as on the Philosophy of Science to students from various backgrounds in the (life) sciences. This ranges from an introductory Bachelor’s course on ethics in health and society, to exploring a philosophical issue in a specific scientific discipline with Master students.

  • At the University of Antwerp I’ve taught an annual course for Bachelor students of philosophy on the Pragmatism of William James and John Dewey. The students and I read from these authors’ works on philosophy and psychology. We identify key concepts in pragmatism and critically reflect on the issues raised.
  • At the Eindhoven University of Technology I’ve collaborated for several years in teaching an explorative course on design as philosophy in the making. The course introduced process thinking in philosophy, biology and psychology to Master students of Industrial Design by mixing discussions of primary texts with hands-on design.
  • At the University of Groningen I repeatedly taught a course on Perception and Action. This course acquainted Master students of Human Movement Sciences with research in ecological psychology. It considers key concepts in direct perception, such as information and affordances, in the context of philosophical and empirical issues in cognitive science.
  • In Antwerp I developed a course on the Philosophy of Ecological Psychology for Master students of philosophy. In the course we read key texts from early American pragmatism and ecological psychology and related these to each other and to current issues in the philosophy of mind.
  • I’ve developed and taught a lecture series on the Philosophy of Science for Bachelor students of the social sciences at Utrecht University for several years. The course covered the basic assumptions of the scientific method in general and those of the social sciences in particular.
  • Teaching bachelor students of physical education I developed a lecture series on Motor Learning and Control at the Windesheim University of Applied Sciences. The course introduced a range of theories of motor control, such as emulation theory and dynamical systems, and discussed their applications.
  • Over the years I’ve been involved in supervising theses of many graduate and undergraduate students.